This week I had a visitor, a BIG visitor...Ted!
And yes, this is typical of how the week went! Ted is a big bundle of puppy love energy. Between Ted and my dog, Hunter, there were 200 pounds of dog craziness in the house: teasing each other with toys, chasing each other, vying for my attention. Hair flew and dust bunnies grew!
When Ted left, out came the Dyson, the Shark and furniture polish for an attack on the doggy dust. I emptied the Dyson canister three times, sneezed a lot as I dusted, and did a move-the-furniture-and area-rugs floor washing. Serious dust removal...
The area rug in the front hallway is pretty big and I wrestled around with it to center it and to settle it over the non-skid pad. But there's always that last little piece that wants to be difficult...
Not in the mood to negotiate that little bit hanging out, so yep, got the scissors out and evened things out with a couple of snips! Done deal.
Since my kitchen floor sparkled, the counter tops needed to as well. A "recipe" for an easy, effective, and inexpensive granite counter top cleaner...
1/4 c. rubbing alcohol
1/4 t. of Dawn dish washing soap
2 c. water.
Put in a spray bottle and use as needed.
Kills the germs and leaves no streaks.