Sunday, December 29, 2024

bye-bye, big pumpkin

At the end of the season at the farmer's market, I bought a giant pumpkin. It was a hit at Halloween, it was a festive Thanksgiving decoration, and it was going strong into December so, ðŸŽ¶ don we now our pumpkin with Christmas lights, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la...🎶

(FYI, this âŒƒ was last year's pumpkin. I thought I took a photo of this year's, but nope).

My past giant pumpkins have made it well into January. If they made it to February, they'd be decked out in red and white lights for Valentine's Day, but so far none of the pumpkins have made it that far. Friday night, Todd turned the lights on for the pumpkin's evening display, and yesterday morning we looked out the front door and it had imploded. What an ooey-gooey, squishy mess. Armed with my big kitchen knife and wearing yard gloves, I chopped that big pumpkin into pieces, put it in four different trash bags, and tossed them into the trash bin. 

So, hasta luego, big pumpkin...we sure had a "gourd" time with you


  1. I'm surprised that no animal came by to snack on it. You and Charlie Brown have a lot in common.

    1. Some squirrels were close by and I left a couple chunks out for them. Charlie Brown and I love our Great Pumpkins!

  2. One of the bad sides of prolonging the holidays. SWMBO took down our Christmas lights and decorations today and stored them away for next year. She said she didn't really like the holidays this year. So it goes.

    1. I can see why your wife felt that way. With Thanksgiving being as late as it could be, this holiday season had a very rushed feel to it.
