Saturday, November 9, 2024

the cycle of gold

There's a house in the neighboring suburb of Oakwood where over 120,000 daffodils bloom in the spring. This host of cheery, golden daffodils is such a welcome sight after the winter months of gray.

Currently the yard hosts a sea of golden yellow from the trees shedding their autumn leaves. Once the leaves are done falling, the landscaping crew will remove them, revealing the barren ground to take the yard into its winter mode. In 5-6 months, the cycle of gold will emerge once again. 



  1. Oh wow, that sea of daffodils is amazing.

    1. It is such a beautiful way to announce spring's arrival.

  2. The leaves are nature's mulch, sad that we remove them.

  3. That must be a wealthy suburb for the homeowner to have a yard that size. Lovely photos.

    1. It is. John H. Patterson, who founded National Cash Register, owned a lot of land in Oakwood. He sold lots for a minimal amount with the stipulation that mansions be built on them. These mansions in all their grandeur and huge yards still stand.
