Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Going Nuts in February

February, the shortest month in the year, seemed like it was never-ending. The month started off with that little varmint, Punxsutawney Phil, seeing his shadow and skittering back into his hole for another 6 weeks. And what a wintery month we had...lots  of gray days, bitter cold temperatures, above average snowfall, school cancellations and slippery roads. But it's winter in Ohio and that's what happens and even though the cold and snow got old and cabin fever set in, I thanked my lucky stars that we didn't get the brutal pummeling that hit Boston.

But I did go a little bit a good way.

And the nuttiness was all about pistachios...pistachio cake, pistachio colored sandals, and February 26, National Pistachio Day.

Pistachio Cake

In  a nutshell, I didn't want to fight the restaurant crowds on Valentine's Day. A fun family dinner came together and this was dessert. Ground pistachios and almond meal flavored with rose water, orange juice and orange zest made this not-to-sweet crumbly cake. Topped with a citrusy powdered sugar glaze, everyone went nuts over this!

Pistachio Sandals

You know, sometime in the middle of winter, when you should buy a new pair of boots because your old ones have a hole in the toe and aren't water resistant and you will be shoveling snow a few more times, you have to follow a nutty impulse and buy a pair of pistachio colored sandals.

February 26, National Pistachio Day

Who knew. There's a day to celebrate everything. Time to get crackin'!

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