Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wordy Wednesday {Malarkey}

I taught 8th grade reading and Language Arts. One of my biggest challenges was to get my students to expand their vocabulary. Many kids just wanted to complete their assignments in record time or at the last possible minute, and as a result their papers were full of weak, wimpy vocabulary. 

One instance when the lack of effort was particularly noticeable, I was quite frustrated. I knew a lecture would be tuned out immediately, so what to do for dramatic effect? Return the papers, calmly display the grade stats on the Smart Board, and then pose the rhetorical question, "Do you know what this is?" 

Answer:  MAAAAA - LARKEY! 

Well, that was an attention grabber for a couple reasons: 1. I am a soft-spoken person and typically did not raise my voice, and 2. MALARKEY is a fun word! Rather than saying something that would make me sound like an 8th grader (Your papers sucked), I told them  that their lack of effort was a waste of their time, my time, which was maaa-larkey (nonsense, rubbish). (They figured out the malarkey's definition by using the grade stats and my tone of voice).

So after that incident, in addition to the vocab words that the curriculum "encouraged," I found words and sayings to enrich and enhance their vocabularies, and those stuck with them better than the curriculum-oriented words. Make it fun, make it relevant, no more "cookin' my grits." That's just balderdash!

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